Kauai route list - Former route cross-index

The following table is a list of Kauai roads that used to be numbered state or county highways, or that were assigned route numbers different from their current numbers, matched with the corresponding listings (of current and/or former routes) in the main Kauai route table.

Routes for which there are no "former" segments are not listed below.

.State route 440 State route; County route 490 County route; Former state route 15Former county route 430 Former route; No route number Other unnumbered route
(Actual county route shields are usually identical to state shields; see the FAQs for how routes are classified in the listings below. Also, in many browsers letting your mouse linger over a route number graphic will help you decipher it.)

Former route Route listing in main Kauai route list
50 .State route 50, former Former state route 50, and State route 51 Rice Street and Waapa Road
52 County County route 520 Maluhia Road, and perhaps county County route 520 Poipu Road
53 County County route 530, and perhaps county County route 520 Poipu Road
54 .State route 540
55 Both segments of former Former state route 55; State route 550 Kokee Road; and county County route 552 and/or
(perhaps) State route 550 Waimea Canyon Drive
56 .State route 56; State route 560; former Former state route 56
57 .State route 570, and at least part of No route number Ahukini Road
58 .State route 580 (number later reassigned to current State route 58)
501 .State route 58
510 .State route 51 Kapule Highway
550 .State route 550 and county County route 552
560 .State route 560; part of State route 56 and former Former state route 56
583 .State route 583 and former Former state route 583

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